8:000 What to expect

Worship returns to nearly normal!

In our worship, we follow the Order of Service in the Book of Common Prayer.  As we are able, we stand to sing, we stand for the Gospel reading, and stand for statements of faith.  We sit to learn from scriptures, sit for the homily and sit to hear to our choir. We kneel to pray. 

We gather in our sanctuary at 8:00 for a quiet service with Holy Eucharist, and at 10:00, for a joyous celebration with music and Holy Eucharist.

All who seek God are welcome to receive Holy Eucharist at the altar rail. You may request a blessing if you do not wish to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus at the Communion rail. As always, our Eucharistic ministers are happy to bring you your Holy Meal at your pew if you request it. 

Masks are optional for the 8:00 and 10:00 service.  No masks are required outdoors. Our HVAC system has been fitted with the iWave ionization module to eliminate the COVID virus that passes through the system.

Please be cautious in passing the Peace.

Gifts may be carried forward, as may Collection Plates. 

Because we love one another we will do our best to protect one another.  If we have symptoms of any illness, we will choose to stay home and will attend worship or meetings online until we are no longer contagious.


We follow the liturgy of the Anglican Communion.  We pray as we believe. Our worship ”engages our lives and faith, our thoughts, feelings, hopes, and needs.”[1]

After the 8:00 service and 10:00 service we gather for Coffee Hour Fellowship in our Parish House. Please join us for coffee and sweets.


[1] https://episcopalchurch.org/library/glossary/liturgy


