Tithing/Pledging/Giving/Amazon Smile

A pledge is a commitment to give one’s time, talents, and money as an expression of faith and a personal response to God’s generosity. Parish members are encouraged to make an annual stewardship pledge which represents their specific Christian commitment to “work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God”. Parish budgets are prepared in light of the pledges received from he members. Please remember, a pledge is a statement of intent, not a legal obligation that can be changed as circumstances dictate.to  mission of Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church.

You can support the church by establishing a pledge, making a gift to the church, or by using the Amazon Smile program. All three options are described below.

Pledging is setting up a periodic contribution to support the mission of Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church. Most pledges are for a weekly amount. A pledge is not a binding commitment, it can be changed at any time as circumstance dictate.

Giving is usually a single gift of a specific amount.

The Amazon Smile program is another way to help Saint Mark’s Church. When you enroll in this program, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon purchases to Saint Mark’s. This program is free to Amazon users and does not increase the cost of your order.

To establish your Amazon Smile program:

  1. Go to smile.amazon.com and Log In.
  2. Click on Find a Charity in the small print just below Amazon Smile
  3. Click on Get Started. In the Charity List search box enter our ID: 23-7420705
  4. Press Enter and Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church Perryville should appear.
  5. Press Select
  6. Click the box [ ] Yes, I understand that I must always start at smile.amazon.com to support Saint Mark’s Episcopal     Church.
  7. Start shopping.
  8. Log out when finished.


The next time you go to Amazon, go to smile.amazon.com, not the regular web site.  When you log into smile.amazon.com you should see Supporting Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church when you click on AmazonSmile on the menu bar. It might be a good idea to bookmark this site for ease of opening it.

Thank you for your support.